
The assumed setting of a Marcherlands campaign is a world roughly analogous to Europe c. 1400-1600, essentially the end of the Mediæval period and the dawn of the Early Modern. While the fabulous conceit of this game affords considerable artistic license to the referee, knowledge of genuine history allows one to infuse one's campaign with a sense of ground authenticity that will make the game more immersive for the players.

To this end, the following information has been compiled regarding the society, culture, religion, legal-structure, world-view, diet, and daily-life of Europeans in this period, with advice on how to apply this to one's campaign, how to integrate fantasy elements, and how to encourage one's players to engage with such a setting.

Social Structure

Noble Ranks

English French German Spanish
Emperor, Empress Kaiser, Kaiserin
King, Queen König, Königin

Emperor, Empress
King, Queen
Duke, Duchess
Earl/Count, Countess
Viscount, viscountess
Baron, Baroness
Knight, Dame




Daily Life

I need info for settlements, religion, and daily life.