
Skeleton ?
Climate/Terrain Any ?
% in Lair 75% ?
Frequency Rare ?
Organisation Band ?
Activity Cycle Any ?
Diet Nil ?
Intelligence None- (0) ?
Alignment Neutral ?
Languages Nil ?
No. Appearing 3-30 (3d10)
Armour Class 12+2 ?
Hit-Points 6 ?
Stamina ? ?
Thresholds ?, ?, 0 ?
Movement 30 ?
No. of Attacks 1 ?
Attack/Damage (weapon) ?
Special Attack Nil ?
Special Defences See Below Nil
Magic Resistance See Below Nil
Size M (4-6 ft. tall) ?
Morale Special ?
Treasure ?
XP Value 10 ?


Skeletons are immune to all sleep, charm, and hold spells, along with any cold-based attacks. Slashing and piercing weapons (swords, daggers spears) deal but half damage, while hacking and bludgeoning inflict normal damage, as does fire. Holy water inflicts 2d4 damage per vial striking the skeleton.

Being without a will of their own, skeletons are immune to fear spells and need never check morale. When a skeleton dies, it collapses into a rattling heap.





Saving Throws

Save Skeleton ?
Death and Poison Imm. ?
Rod, Staff, or Wand 18 ?
Paralysis/Petrification Imm. ?
Breath Weapon 14 ?
Spell 18 ?