
Climate/Terrain Temperate Country
% in Lair 0%
Frequency Uncommon
Organisation Solitary
Activity Cycle Nocturnal
Diet Carnivorous
Intelligence Animal (1)
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Languages Nil
No. Appearing 1
Armour Class ?
Hit-Points 10
Stamina 36
Thresholds 18, 9, 0
Movement 60
No. of Attacks 2
Attack/Damage +2 to hit, 2d4+1 p
Special Attack Unearthly Barl
Special Defences Nil
Magic Resistance Nil
Size L (6 ft. long)
Morale Steady (12)
Treasure Nil
XP Value 50

A shuck, also known as a black shuck, black dog, hairy jack, padfoot, skriker, or trash, is a spectral hound of great size which haunts country roads, preying upon passerby in the dead of night. Shucks are roughly the size of a calf, with jet-black fur and red eyes which smoulder like hot coals.


Posessing powerful jaws and large fangs, shucks attack primarily by biting. A shuck can emit an unearthly bark which strikes fear into all who hear it. All non-dog creatures within 50 feet of the shuck must succeed a save vs. petrification or be stricken with fear for 2d4 rounds, during which time they suffer a -2 penalty to all attack rolls.

Shucks can invisible at will, but become visible upon attacking. Additionally, shucks can see through all invisibility spells.





Saving Throws

Save Shuck
Death and Poison ?
Rod, Staff, or Wand ?
Paralysis/Petrification ?
Breath Weapon ?
Spell ?