Rust Monster

Rust Monster
Climate/Terrain Subterranean
% in Lair 60%
Frequency Uncommon
Organisation Solitary
Activity Cycle Nocturnal
Diet Metal, detritus
Intelligence Non- (0)
Alignment Neutral
Languages Nil
No. Appearing 1-6 (1d6)
Armour Class 12
Hit-Points 3
Stamina 8
Thresholds 4, 2, 0
Movement 30
No. of Attacks 1
Attack/Damage Special or 1d1
Special Attack Corrosive Spit
Special Defences Nil
Magic Resistance Nil
Size S (3 ft. long)
Morale Special
Treasure Nil
XP Value 5

A larger relative of the woodlouse, the rust monster subsists on a most peculiar diet; ferrous metal.


A rust monster can spit a stream of corrosive, rust-inducing saliva at a range of up to fifteen feet. Should the saliva make contact with iron, the metal will rust through in 2d3 rounds unless immediate maintenance is performed.




In addition to scavenging for meat scraps, plant matter, and feces, rust monsters consume metal to obtain the minerals necessary to form a metallic carapace. They only eat iron, and totally ignore precious metals such as gold. They will attempt to eat adamant, but their saliva is incapable of corroding that metal.

Dwarves consider rust monsters loathesome pests, and frequently cull local populations. Orcs occasionally keep rust monsters as livestock, fattening them on slag and then boiling them like crabs.

Saving Throws

Save Rust Monster
Death and Poison ?
Rod, Staff, or Wand ?
Paralysis/Petrification ?
Breath Weapon ?
Spell ?