Orc | Orc Chieftain | |
Climate/Terrain | Any Mountain | Any Mountain |
% in Lair | 30% | 55% |
Frequency | Common | Uncommon |
Organisation | Tribe | Tribe |
Activity Cycle | Nocturnal | Nocturnal |
Diet | Omnivorous | Omnivorous |
Intelligence | Low (7) | Above-average (12) |
Alignment | Neutral Evil | Neutral Evil |
Languages | Goblin | Goblin |
No. Appearing | 2-16 (2d8) |
+1 per 50 orcs |
Armour Class | 14+2 | 16+2 |
Hit-Dice | 2+2 (11 HP) | 3+2 (16 HP) |
Stamina | 29 | 45 |
Thresholds | 14, 7, 0 | 23, 12, 0 |
Movement | 30, Cl 15 | 30, Cl 15 |
No. of Attacks | 1 | 2 |
Attack/Damage | +2 (weapon) | +3 (weapon) |
Special Attack | Nil | Nil |
Special Defences | Nil | Nil |
Magic Resistance | Nil | Nil |
Size | M (5-6 ft. tall) | M (6 ft. tall) |
Morale | Steady (12) | Veteran (14) |
Treasure | ? | |
XP Value | 25 | 35 |
Orckind is a cruel and bloodthirty race, and the numerous, sundry tribes wage constant war, both against other races, and amongst themselves. Though usually ill-disiplined and prone to infighting, under sufficient leadership an orc warband can prove a formidable adversary.
Though they favour axes, falchions, and halberds when in mêlée, orcs will happily make use of any weapons, whether of their own manufacture or otherwise. Due to their great strength, orcs can span heavy crossbows without aid of winch or lever. In addition to whichever primary arms, all orcs carry 1d3 knives/daggers of various types, with seaxes being most common.
Orcs hate the sun, for it hurts their sensitive eyes. Thus, they fight with a -1 penalty to their attack rolls when in direct sunlight, and likewise their morale-rating decreases by 1. Conversely, due their subterranean lifestyle, orcs can see very well in near-total darkness, and thus have darkvision up to 60 feet.
Orcs living in remote places subsist on wild-game and mushrooms. Those living nearer to civilisation supplement their diet with the flesh of stolen livestock, along with that of the farmers themselves, and other hapless travellers. The consider the flesh of pious people especially delicious.
Orc Chieftain
In orcish society, only the strongest and most cunning rise to the top, killing potentional rivals and using croneys to enforce petty despotism. To this end, a chieftain maintains a bodyguard of 1d4 enforcers. These enforcers have an armour-class of 16+2, and veteran morale (14), but otherwise use normal orc stats. All orcs within a ten foot radius of their chieftain recieve +1 to morale. It being their wont to plunder and repurpose dwarven mines, an orc chieftain has a 20% chance of owning a +1 weapon.
Saving Throws
Save | Orc | Orc Chieftain |
Death and Poison | 11 | 10 |
Rod, Staff, or Wand | 16 | 15 |
Paralysis/Petrification | 14 | 12 |
Breath Weapon | 13 | 12 |
Spell | 16 | 14 |