Carrion Crawler

Carrion Crawler
Climate/Terrain Subterranean
% in Lair 60%
Frequency Uncommon
Organisation Solitary
Activity Cycle Nocturnal
Diet Carnivorous
Intelligence Non- (0)
Alignment Neutral
Languages Nil
No. Appearing 1-6 (1d6)
Armour Class 7
Hit-Points 2
Stamina 6
Thresholds 3, 1, 0
Movement 30, Cl 30
No. of Attacks 1
Attack/Damage Special or 1d4
Special Attack Paralysis
Special Defences See Below
Magic Resistance Nil
Size S (2 ft. long)
Morale Special
Treasure Nil
XP Value 5

Carrion crawlers are large centipedes often found in caves. They feed primarily upon carrion, but occasionally hunt small prey.


The carrion crawler has a venomous bite which can induce paralysis for 2-12 turns. A save versus paralysation is allowed to escape these effects.

Carrion crawlers have very simple eyes, able only to detect the presence or absence of light. They navigate primarily by scent.





Saving Throws

Save Carrion Crawler
Death and Poison 14
Rod, Staff, or Wand 18
Paralysis/Petrification 8
Breath Weapon 18
Spell 18