Albion Campaign Log


The Village of Griff

3rd October, 1520

On a chill autumn evening in the village of Griff, four gather around a table in a shadowy corner of The Black Griffon Inn. These four men are as follows: Captain Dick Thorpe, a veteran sellsword of Yorkshire extraction, wears a patch over his left-eye; Otto, a London pick-pocket seeking his fortune in the wider world; Ferdinand de Sevilla, son of an Andalusian merchant and an aspiring magician; Androu Duncanson, a young farmer-cum-mercenary from the Lowland marches.

Downing his pint with a long swig, Captain Thorpe addresses his three younger fellows. He first thanks them for taking him up on his offer for work, and then explains the details of the venture:

“A band of footpads, real nasty characters I ‘ear, ‘ave been ‘arassin’ the roads ‘round these parts. Robbin’ travellers, pillagin’ farms, that sort o’ thing. Now, I’ve got a deal with Lord Griff, if I can drive off these bandits, ‘twill be an ‘andsome sum for the trouble. What say ye?”

“Depends. How ‘andsome is ‘andsome?” asks Otto.

As Thorpe is briefing the adventurers, a man of noble countenance enters the merry, smoke-filled common-room: Sir Êdouard de Rouen, a Norman knight who has but recently earnt his spurs.

“Ah, the chevalier! Glad you made it, come, take a seat!” The knight obliges him.

Some more talk and some more drinks later, a contract is drafted and signed by all parties.

Flint on the Borderlands, Part I


Per Lord Griff's request, the party travel westward to Flintshire in the Welsh Marches to deliver a corrospondence to Lord Flint. Upon their arrival, they are paid for their trouble, deputised, and sent soutwestwards to Cardrank Castle to discover what has been happening of late.

Flint on the Borderlands, Part 2


Unable to open the door to the Old Dwarvish Mine, the party search for ??? in the Offa Gap. But instead of ???, they discover a wounded Hill Scout and his loyal hounds. As they work to set his broken leg and tend his wounds, the Hill Scout provides some explanation: His name is Glyn Jones, he was patrolling the Gap two nights ago when he saw some orcs enter the mines through a "backdoor", but he does not know how to open it. Later that same night he beheld a black sabbath, but dared not intervene. The next morning he came upon a group of dwarves establishing a new mine, when he tried to speak to the dwarves, they pulled a gun on him and told him to scram. That night he returned to check on the backdoor, but was ambushed by orcs.

The party carry Glyn back to Cardrank and return to the Gap with Gazeb, hoping he might aid in negotations with the dwarves. Things go south almost immediately as the dwarves shoot Gazeb dead. Sir Êdouard runs the gundwarf through, the others are arrested, and their propery confiscated. Returning to Cardrank, all but one dwarf are brutally interrograted and thereafter executed by the four companions. Some dwarves are beheaded, others flogged to death, one immolated, all had their gold teeth pulled before execution. The surviving dwarf, named Hizag, is pressed into service by the party to help them find the password for the backdoor.

Flint on the Borderlands, Part 3