Albion Campaign Log
The Village of Griff
3rd October, 1520
On a chill autumn evening in the village of Griff, four gather around a table in a shadowy corner of The Black Griffon Inn. These four men are as follows: Captain Dick Thorpe, a veteran sellsword of Yorkshire extraction, wears a patch over his left-eye; Otto, a London pick-pocket seeking his fortune in the wider world; Ferdinand de Sevilla, son of an Andalusian merchant and an aspiring magician; Androu Duncanson, a young farmer-cum-mercenary from the Lowland marches.
Downing his pint with a long swig, Captain Thorpe addresses his three younger fellows. He first thanks them for taking him up on his offer for work, and then explains the details of the venture:
“A band of footpads, real nasty characters I ‘ear, ‘ave been ‘arassin’ the roads ‘round these parts. Robbin’ travellers, pillagin’ farms, that sort o’ thing. Now, I’ve got a deal with Lord Griff, if I can drive off these bandits, ‘twill be an ‘andsome sum for the trouble. What say ye?”
As Thorpe is briefing the adventurers, a man of noble countenance enters the merry, smoke-filled common-room: Sir Êdouard de Rouen, a Norman knight who has but recently earnt his spurs.
“Ah, the chevalier! Glad you made it, come, take a seat!” The knight obliges him.
Some more talk and some more drinks later, a contract is drafted and signed by all parties.
Flint on the Borderlands, Part I
Flint on the Borderlands, Part 2
Flint on the Borderlands, Part 3